Trieste, March 14th, 2013, 10.00 am Sala Baroncini, Via Trento 8 (close to Palazzo Assicurazioni Generali)
- A new risk analysis method for multiple plants (dr. Daniele Ortelli, Generali) 10,00-10.30
- Risk assessment in details (ing. Luca Beretta, Generali) 10.30-11.00
- Presentation of Generali Slovenia by the CEO 11.00-11.15
COFFEE BREAK 11.15-11.30
- The ERM Process in Telecom Italia (Paolo Rubini, Risk Manager) 11.30-12.00
- The ERM Process in Poslovni sistem Mercator, d.d. (Andreja Cedilnik, Controlling and Accounting, Executive director) 12.00-12.30
- Skills, knowledge and educational programs in Risk Management (Prof. Federica Seganti – Director Master in Insurance and Risk Management MIB School of Management Trieste) 12.30-13.00
LUNCH 13.00-14.30
- Round table between italian&slovenian risk managers 14.30-15.30